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RPPR - Progress Report

Progress reports usually are required annually as part of the non-competing continuation award process, although NIH may require these reports more frequently. They must be submitted electronically using the RPPR module in the eRA Commons.

Recipients should follow the detailed instruction for submission of the RPPR in the NIH user guide.

RPPR Checklist
RPPR Quick Guide
Organizing Checklist RPPR
RPPR Template Budget

When is my RPPR due?

  • The PI/PD is sent an e-mail 2 months before the scheduled due date. In the event a progress report is not submitted on time, a reminder e-mail is sent to the PI
  • T32 RPPR’s (training grants are usually Non-SNAP) are due approximately 60 days before project end date
  • The exact start date for a specific award may be found in grants status in eRA Commons
  • Except at the end of the project period, then the progress report is submitted with the renewal application
  • Some T32's RPPR's are off schedule.  For example, NIGMS are due 11/15
eRA’s Quick Queries page was retired on June 3, 2024.  Please see Awards with RPPRs Due, and NIH Guide Notice for more information.

What's the difference between Interim, Final and Annual RPPR?

Interim (IRPPR), Final RPPR (FRPPR) VS Annual RPPR
  • Both the IRPPR and FRPPR are identical in process and info required
  • IRPPR  - when submitting a type 2 renewal application.  If not funded, the IRPPR will serve as the final RPPR
  • Section D.1 is required in the Participants section in the Interim/Final RPPR
  • Section H: Budget is not part of the Interim/Final RPPR
  • Section I: Outcomes is required for both the Interim/Final RPPR

Quick Guide (Highlights differences from a standard RPPR)

B.4 - What opportunities for training and professional development?
  • Should be a paragraph or two
  • Individual Development Plans
    • Describe how they were used in this reporting period to help manage the training and career development of the trainees/scholars (do not include actual IDPs)
  • The trainee diversity report is now required to be submitted electronically either in the xTRAIN module.  See bottom of page for troubleshooting 

    • Part I.  Those appointed to the grant
    • Part IV.  Program statistics (Predocs only)
      • Summarize this data in the accomplishments Section B.4, in responding to the question, “What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?”
    • When Table 8 is completed, finalize the RTD in xTRACT and it will automatically be transmitted into the RPPR.  You do NOT upload a PDF of Table 8 in section B.4.  If you do NOT complete Tab​le 8 in xTRACT you will not be able to submit the RPPR because it will not pass eRA Commons validations check.
C.1 -  Publications during the reporting period
  • Report publications that were accepted during the reporting period and resulted from work conducted while a trainee was supported by the award.
  • Publications must be entered into the PI's My NCBI and must be associated with the training grant
D.1 - What individuals have worked on the project?
  • Only address key personnel here (PD/PI). 
  • Do not report personnel for whom a PHS 2271 appointment form has been submitted through xTRAIN, do that in B.4
  • List person months for each individual

D.2b -  New senior/Key personnel

  • Add Biosketch and other support (OS) for new participating faculty
D.2c -  Changes in Other Support (OS)
  • Include for key personnel only if change to active support only

G.1 -  Special Notice of Award and Funding Opportunity Announcement Reporting Requirements

  • Recipients must upload a PDF named Childcare_Costs.pdf.  The attachment must specify the number of trainees who used childcare costs in the reporting period
  • Recipients are not required to submit supporting documentation. Recipients must maintain all supporting documentation (e.g., proof provider is licensed)

G.2 -  Responsible Conduct of Research

  • Needs to be updated annually by PI
  • Include a description of any enhancements from the plan described in the competing application with the following 5 instructional components:
    • Format
    • Subject Matter
    • Faculty Participation
    • Duration
    • Frequency
H.1 - Budget for next budget period
    • KR Record is required because of budget component
    • Use the Budget Template for RPPR's
    • Select PHS 398 from drop down menu
    • Budget justification should be uploaded as item F, and must include detailed justification for those line items and amounts that represent a significant change from previously recommended levels

Trainee Diversity Report Troubleshooting 

Trainee Diversity Report Troubleshooting

Additional Training

RPPR Training - PPT or YouTube video

Xtract video on RPPR’s​

T32 RPPR Common Issues

B.4 - Table 8 is not finalized in xTRACT.
B.4 - Trainee Diversity form is not generated.
C.1 - Publications out of compliance.
F.1 - Changes in training faculty are not reported.

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